Coupon Talk


 Coupon Talk...................English

BOGO                          Buy 1 Get 1 Free

B1G1                            Buy 1 Get1 Free

B2G1                            Buy 2 Get 1 Free

B1G2                            Buy 1 Get 2 Free

$1/2                               $1 off 2

.75/2                              .75 off 2

OOP                          Out of pocket cost, the amount you spend before
                                              you get any RR,  +Up or any 
                                  " buy this and get $ off your next order" deals.

WYB                          When you buy,

OYNO                         On Your Next Order

 Example: $4 OYNO WYB 4 bags M&M's

DND                         " do not double", listed at the top of some
                                    coupons may also be in fine print at the
                                    bottom of the coupon.Couponers will
                                    usually tell you about it if they see it
                                    before they list a deal. Means the
                                    store can not double the coupon.
                                    So it wouldn't double at Shaws.
                                    Tip: if the bar code starts with a 5
                                    the coupon will usually double unless
                                    the store has fixed the computers to
                                    recognize it or the cashier notices it.

Catalina                     a coupon that prints from the store.
                                   Like $ off your next order

MM                           Money Maker
                                  When your coupon is more than the
                                  item you are purchasing.
                                 Note: Wal-Mart is the only place that
                                  will give you money back. I usually
                                 have other things I'm buying for that
                                 money to go towards. Cvs, Rite Aid
                                 and other places that give you store
                                 money will not give you money back.
                                 usually you get more rewards back
                                 than you spent. Shaws will reduce the
                                 coupon to the price so no money. If
                                 the item is on sale then the coupon
                                 will be reduced to regular price
                                 giving you money towards other
                                 things you are buying. They will not
                                give you the extra money back.

Overage                  When your coupon is more than the
                                item. This is the money you either
                                get back or that goes toward the rest
                                of your purchases.

ETS                        Excludes trial size
                               A couponer will use this abreviation
                               when telling you about a coupon for a deal

Sunday Coupon inserts. Not all come every week. Check out the Sunday coupon preview to see what might be coming in your Sunday paper.

SS                                 Smart Source insert

RP                                Red Plum insert

GM                              General Mills insert

P&G                            Proctor & Gamble insert

EX.                               Expires

Money given back to you to spend in the store again. Usually printed on your receipt.

RR                               Register rewards Wallgreens

Ups ( or)  +up              Up Rewards Rite Aid

ECB                             Extra Care Bucks CVS




Example of how some people list deals and how to read them.

Hershey's candy bar $1.50
Buy 1 at $1.50
Use  $1/1 coupons from the 8/12 SS exp. 10/12
Final cost $.50

What it says in English:
 Hershey's candy bar $1.50
Buy one at $1.50
Use the $1 off 1 coupon found in the 8/12 Smart Source coupon insert expiring 10/12
Final cost $.50

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